
ANOMALOUS METALSAnomalous in soils: Ni, Cu, Co, Pd, Ag, REE Stream seds: AU, Pt. Pd, REE, Olivines.
MAGNETICSSW-NE line of magnetic highs corresponding to soil results.
DEPTH200 – 300m m to base. Extension of NE line from Palmerville.
ASSESSMENTInterpreted mafic to ultramafic intrusives, possibly layered.
Some may be basalts in Hodgkinson Formation (unmapped) formed in response to a mantle plume that formed flood basalts in a Permo-Triassic aulacogen related to the Palmerville-Yintjingga faults intrusives are suggested to be Triassic (~250Ma).
Unlikely that Triassic flood basalts exist here, but may have been stripped off.
PRIORITYHigh – possible acceleration to drilling.


  • Comprises interpreted mafic to ultramafic intrusives, some possibly layered, butcan’t rule out that some may be basalts in Hodgkinson Formation (unmapped). Itis unlikely that Triassic flood basalts exist here, but may have been eroded away.
  • A zone 25km x 10km in which a series of small weakly to moderatelymagnetic bodies can occur as small oval features, but mostly as small tolarge lenticular bodies (2km x 0.8km to 7.5km x 6km).
  • Remanently magnetised zones are sometimes present suggesting several different ages.
  • The bodies may be mafic-ultramafic intrusives into the Hodgkinson Formation and/or Devonian meta basalts in the Hodgkinson Formation.
  • An eastern north to northeast semi-continuous corridor extending over 22km may be the most significant, as includes a large 7.7km x 2.5km magnetic unit and associated smaller lenticular bodies in the south.
  • This includes drilling Target A of the CEI and is a likely source area for the PGE andfresh olivine panned in alluvials near Target A.
  • PGEs and Cu and Ni and Co may be related to zones within layeredintrusions and/or to structures on the faulted margins of these.
  • The large magnetic body should outcrop in gorges through the coversandstones where Government geology has interpreted HodgkinsonFormation and needs ground follow-up to determine nature of themagnetic body.
  • If there are intrusives, these may be Triassic in age and related to a Triassicmantle plume that produced flood basalts at surface particularly in theaulacogen formed between the Palmerville and Yintjingga Faults.
  • Alternatively, they could be Alaskan-type mafic-ultramafics intruded intothe Hodgkinson Formation and related to subduction.


Jowalbinna locator

Zone 1 Mag STP Lwet locator
Zone 2 Mag RTP Lwet-800
Zone 1 Mag RTP Lwet