
ANOMALOUS METALSAnomalous in soils: Ni, Cu, Co, Pd, Ag, REE.
Stream seds: AU, Pt, Pd, REE.
MAGNETICSSW-NE line of magnetic highs corresponding to soil results. 2021 mag enhancement indicated possible near surface targets.
DEPTH400 – 600m m to base. Extension of NE line from Palmerville.
ASSESSMENTPossible local mafic-ultramafic intrusives (Triassic?) into Chillagoe Formation.
May be some mafic-ultramafic intrusives into this sequence.
PRIORITYHigh. Further infill soils and mag before any exploratory drilling.


  • Possible local mafic-ultramafic intrusives (Triassic?) into Chillagoe Formation, but some of the Cu-Ni likely due to high background in the Siluro-Devonian basalts of the Chillagoe Formation.
  • This covers a magnetic section of the Chillagoe Formation under cover where to the south in outcrop areas, Silurian magnetic basalts are folded in the Chillagoe Formation.
  • Ionic leach soils and a road edge MMI soils do show elevated Cu and Ni and local Pd that may reflect high background values in the basalts.
  • But local discrete magnetic features suggest there may be some mafic-ultramafic intrusives into this sequence and Target 57 with coincident CuNi-PGE may be one such intrusive
  • Stream sediment results significant with visible Au, Pt and Pd in the pan as well as REE. Some significant Co rock samples
  • Mag enhancement carried out in 2022 indicated layers @90 degrees and potential near surface intersection (16-37m)


Zone 3 locator-800
Zone 3 Mag RTP Lwet locator
Zone 3 Mag RTP Lwet-800
Zone 3 Mag RTP Lwet